Presentation Work and Documentary Watching

May 17, 2019
Written at 10PM

    My shift at the Pope Memorial was suddenly cancelled due to the fact that they were having a lot of septic problems so really no one could go in and work. After hearing that, I decided it would be a good opportunity to start working on my handout for express fest. I began working in Pages to create a brochure style handout about the SPCA’s mission, what they provide, what I’ve learned, and gave a little insight about two of the animals that I had gotten to know. After I worked on the handout I decided to watch a short documentary about Pit Bull dog fighting called Off The Chain. I decided to watch this one because there is a lot of stereotypes about that breed and I hear it a lot while I’m volunteering so I wanted to learn more about it. They talked about how Pit Bulls used to be a well loved dog, but then people started using them for the wrong reasons. This led to training them to use for violence and to get money. In the movie, they showed a lot of real footage which was pretty disturbing to watch. I spent 2 ½ hours today and have in total completed 96 ½ hours on my senior project.


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