A Busy Day Behind the Scenes
May 2, 2019
Written at 8PM
My morning started off with a rainy walk with my favorite dog, Wilson. I walked him around the property and then we hung out in a training room together for forty five minutes. During that time, I helped him improve on his commands such as sit and paw and I would reward him with a treat. After spending that time with him, I put him back in his kennel and headed to the workroom. While I was in there I washed, dried, and put away dishes and toys. These were just some of the small things I did compared to what I spent most of my time focusing on; the brunch. Pope Memorial is hosting a brunch this Sunday that I will also be taking a part in setting up and greeting. Preparing for this brunch consumed most of my day. I had to label folders, label registration sheets, create little packets for each person, and then put everything in alphabetical order in the files. There is over one hundred people attending and the preparation is very tedious. In between these tasks, I got the chance to socialize with the kittens some more so they could have some human interaction and I also monitored children from Concord Christian Academy who came in to read and play with the animals. Today I competed 8 hours and have in total completed 23 ½ hours of my senior project.
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