Dishes and More Dishes

May 16, 2019
Written at 10PM

    For the third day in a row, as soon as I walked through the doors I went straight to cleaning Maple, the guinea pig’s, cage. Maple is the only small animal right now so I know that it would be helpful for me to clean her space up while the other workers could get some harder jobs done. After that, a lot of the workers were bringing many new cats up front that are now ready to be adopted. Because of that there were lots of litter boxes, cat carriers, play structures, dishes, toys, etc. to wash and dry. Along with that, there were also dog supplies to clean. I was in the workroom for almost the whole morning. Once I was finally finished in there, I continued some more summer camp paperwork. I’ve been working on it off and on all week and I’m only halfway through. Today I spent another 7 ½ hours and have in total completed 94 hours of my senior project.


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